The Polls Are In!

And it's Mata Hari by 11 votes!

There were 7 votes each for both Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni and Elizabeth Bathory, as well as 6 votes apiece for Sarah Bernhardt and Pope Joan.

So look forward to a post on Mata Hari: Spy or Innocent Victim? in September, along with a post on Boudicca and Eva Peron.


Bearded Lady said…
oh I can't wait to hear about the Mati Hara.

I have been meaning to ask you -(and sorry for posting this question on your blog but I couldn't find an email to contact you). I noticed that you sometimes do giveaways. Would you like to do a giveaway for my next book? It's mostly for young adults but older kids will hopefully enjoy it too.

If yes, just email me at and either I or my puplisher will send a copy to the winner.

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