January 2009 - Scandalous Women in Presidential History

January 2009 brings a new administration to our nation's capitol. To celebrate, Scandalous Women will be bringing you all the women who made the capitol so scandalous. Look for posts on FDR and his women, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, Edith Galt Wilson, Mary Todd Lincoln, and more.

Also, head on over to Edwardian Promenade for a behind the scenes look at Washington, DC during the Edwardian era.


Heather Carroll said…
Ooo I never would think of a first lady as being scandalous, which just makes them even more scandalous!
Lucy said…
I can't wait for this! There's just something about scandolous women making it to the top. Thanks for your post- always an interesting read.
Eliza Knight said…
I can't wait!!! You have the best blogs!!!
dave hambidge said…
Amen, some juicy scandal for us men to envy!

bestfor 2009

TammiMagee said…
looking forward to it!
Lauren said…
This is a great idea!! Can't wait to see who is first!
Happy New Year!
Bearded Lady said…
oooooh that is going to be deliciously scandalous. Can't wait.

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