Friendliness Award for Scandalous Women

The lovely Lucy of Enchanted by Josephine nominated me for a blog award yesterday. With this award, I must nominate others to share the prize and they, in turn, are supposed to nominate others in the same spirit of blogging friendship.

"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."

My eight bloggers are:

Kwana Writes - Kwana is one of the loveliest people that I know

Megan Frampton - Another wonderful writer and friend

History Undressed - A wonderful blog by Eliza Knight

Edwardian Promenade

Hope Tarr - Wonderful historical and contemporary romance author

Risky Regencies - the first, the best, the riskiest bunch of writers on the Internet

Passages to the Past - A new blog to me but one that has quickly become a must read.

Reading the Past - A wonderful blog by Sarah Johnson


Oh, wow - just popped over to congratulate you and then I see my name! You are so sweet! Thank you - it means a lot because I LOVE your blog and think you are wonderful!
Megan Frampton said…
Hey, thanks for the props!
Kwana said…
What a sweetheart you are. Thanks!
Megan Frampton said…
Oh, and thanks from the Riskies, too. I'll let them know.
Diane Gaston said…
how nice of you to mention the Riskies, Elizabeth! (can we nominate you back??)
LOL Elizabeth! Thanks so much for the great shout-out :)

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