The Regal Twelve

Thanks to Heather Carroll of The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide for bringing attention to Alexia Sinclair's amazing series of portraits called The Regal Twelve. She honors some of the most vivacious and intriguing women in history in altered photographs that combine history, fantasy, and fashion. Marie Antoinette leads the procession as the "Extravagant Queen," along with several scandalous women who have been featured on the blog including Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, and Queen Christina of Sweden.

I would love to own the complete series of these images if I won the lottery. Catherine the Great's purple dress is to die for! But then I'm also dying to own the Marie Antoinette Barbie as well. Can you imagine this as the cover for Scandalous Women if I get published?

Head over here to check out the site.


Heather Carroll said…
Ooo does that mean you are working on publishing Scandalous Women? Or are your lips sealed?
Unknown said…
Oh my this sounds fabulous! Where do we get to see the images?
Vania, right now the Regal Twelve are touring Australia and New Zealand. I'm going to try and see if Alexia will either guest blog or consent to an interview abouot the images.

Heather, my lips are sealed at the moment. I will let everyone know if I have any news to report. Keep your fingers crossed.
Sinclair is seriously talented. It's crazy how talented she is. Those photographs are amazing. Thanks for bringing her art to my attention.
Heather Carroll said…
Lips are sealed and fingers are crossed!

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