Scandalous Women Receives the BINGO Award

Marie over at the Burton Review awarded me the BINGO Award for being informative.

This "B-I-N-G-O" BEAUTIFUL BLOG AWARD means that this blog is...B: BeautifulI: InformativeN: NeighborlyG: Gorgeous O: Outstanding.

Please look carefully at as many blogs as you can to find the top FIVE blogs that YOU think also exemplify these standards and pass it along to them. Please don't break this chain of FIVE!

Accordingly I pass on the BINGO Award to:
1. Beautiful: Amy at Passages to the Past
2. Informative: Evangeline at Edwardian Promenade
3. Neighborly: Ms. Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine
4. Gorgeous: Heather at Georgiana's Gossip Guide to the 18th Century
5. Outstanding: Eliza at History Undressed


BurtonReview said…
ooohh some more wonderful blogs for me to run off too.. Thanks for posting, and I'm happy that you enjoyed your award ;)
Heather Carroll said…
Thank you so much Elizabeth!!
Your welcome Heather. Trying to share the love!
Thank you! I need to gift the award I've recently recieved--but you're on the list (perhaps I should give it out via twitter since so many bloggers use it?).
You are welcome Evangeline. I have a feeling that in the future, we will be giving out awards via Twitter.

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