Scandalous Good News

Well, the cat is out of the bag. From Publishers Marketplace:

Author of the blog Elizabeth K. Mahon's SCANDALOUS WOMEN, an intriguing look at the tumultuous lives of some of history's most fascinating and notorious women, to Jeanette Shaw at Perigee, for publication in 2011, by Erin Niumata at Folio Literary Management (World).

Yes, Scandalous Women will be a book coming out in March 2011. I'm very excited about it and I can't wait for it to come out. What this means for the blog is up in the air at the moment. The manuscript is due to the publisher in March 2010, which means that while I'm working on the manuscript, I probably won't be blogging as regularly for awhile.

I hope to keep blogging at least once a week, but be patient with me, if a week goes by without a post.


Heather Carroll said…
CONGRATULATIONS Elizabeth! I am so utterly happy for you! The best of luck!
Lauren said…
How wonderful!! congrats!!
Anonymous said…
Oh congratulations!!! I found this blog through Marie Antoinette's Gossip Guide some time ago, and though I never comment, I follow the posts daily and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to hear this news!!! Once again congratulations, I hope to see your book on my bookshelf in 2011!!!!
Best of luck to you!!!

~Nora Simone
Thanks, Heather, Lauren, and Nora.
Marg said…
Woohoo! Great news!
dave hambidge said…
Now that is the sort of news that makes anyone's day/week/month/year feel great!

VERY many congratulations on this achievement, truly deserved reward for excellent writing.

Will regular blog commentators get any discount on the printed format? (only joking)

best to you for a hectic few months.

I will be offering a copy of the book as a giveaway when it comes out, Dave.
Anonymous said…
that's very good news and very well deserved too!
i look forward to snuggling up in bed for a good read when it comes out!
the free spirit said…
Awesome!!!I truly enjoy your blog and will look fwd to the book coming out...this is the best news any blogger can get so enjoy the ride and many many congrtulations :D
Janella said…
That's awesome! Can't wait to read it!!
You can bet I'll be at the bookstore on the release date!

Congrats! How exciting! I am so happy for you!!!!

I'll be sure to post my support when the date gets closer!
Clare said…
Huzzah! Congratulations! I've been reading for a while and haven't commented before, but I'm really pleased for you!
kriswaldherr said…
Wonderful news! Big congrats!!!!!
Thanks everyone! I just want to point out that the book is non-fiction, although for some reason the announcement was placed under women's fiction/romance.
Anonymous said…
This is great news - congratulations!!
Thanks so much. I'm excited about it.

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