Scandalous Women in Irish History

Amanda McCabe who writes as Laurel McKee for Grand Central Publishing has a new series out set in Ireland. The first book is appropriately enough called Countess of Scandal. To celebrate her release this month, she's been featuring Irish Heroines over at her blog, some of whom were pretty Scandalous. So far she's featured The Countess Markiewicz, and now Margaret King, whose governess was once Mary Wollstonecraft. I came across Margaret when I was researching Mary for Scandalous Women (the book, not the blog). You can read about Margaret here. I can't wait to find out who she's going to feature next weekend.


dave hambidge said…
Been and gone and done!
Nicola Cornick said…
The background to Laurel's new series is fascinating, isn't it. I'm really pleased to see a series set against that period of Irish history. It's so rich and vivid and the potential for scandalous women is great!
I wish more people would write books set in Ireland in the Georgian Period, or Ireland period. It's such fabulous history, and you don't really need to create that much conflict, it's all there.
robin said…
Where do I find her blog?
I would love to read this!
Hi Robin, just click on the link in the post and you should find it.

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