May Day Giveaway: Norah Loft's Eleanor the Queen

Happy May everyone! This year seems to be going by so fast! I'm pleased to giveaway a copy of Norah Lofts ELEANOR THE QUEEN, thanks to the lovely people at Simon and Schuster.

From the back cover:

Eleanor of Aquitaine rules as a modern heroine in the twelfth century, in this beloved classic of royal fiction from renowned author Norah Lofts. At a time when a woman’s value was measured solely by her wealth and the number of sons she bore, Eleanor was the high-spirited, stubborn, and intelligent heiress to the vast duchy of Aquitaine.

Her leadership inspired the loyalty of her people, but she was continually doubted and silenced by the men who ruled beside her—the less wise but far more powerful men of the church and court who were unwilling to lose power to a woman, regardless of her rank or ability.
Through marriages to two kings, two Crusades, and the births of ten children— including the future King Richard the Lionhearted—Eleanor solidified her place in history. In Eleanor the Queen, Norah Lofts brings to life a brave and complex woman who was centuries ahead of her time.

Here are the rules:  This giveaway is only available to American and Canadian readers.  The giveaway is open from today until 12 p.m. on Friday May 7th.

1) Just leave your name and email address in the comments if you wish to enter the giveaway
2) If you are not a follower and become one, you get an extra entry
3) If you tweet about it, you get an extra entry


Unknown said…
Oh enter me please!! I went to the bookstore to get his one the other day and they didn't have it! I love reading about Eleanor.

robinbird_79 AT hotmail DOT com
FleurDeMar said…
Norah Lofts is great. Please enter me :)

martinack_75 AT hotmail DOT com

I'm a follower and I also tweeted.
Linda said…
I've enjoyed other books by Norah Lofts, and I'm a big fan of Eleanor. Please enter my name in the giveaway. Thank you.

I'm already a follower.
Anonymous said…
I remember Nora Lofts books from my childhood.

Please enter me in the contest. I'm not a tweeter (though I've used the screen name of tweetygirl or tweetybird). My email address is
robincgreene at

Robin Greene
Amy said…
Please enter me in this great giveaway! I would love to read more about Eleanor!


Lauren M. said…
I would love to win as well! Eleanor is a personal favorite, so please enter me. :)
Shannon said…
Thank you for entering me. =) I'm a follower.
A Year in Books said…
Eleanor has always fascinated me!

I'm already a follower :)
Unknown said…
Super subject! Super author! I'd love to win this!
brokenteepee said…
Very interesting woman!
Please enter me.
I am a follower
and I tweeted
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com
Gwendolyn B. said…
I love reading about Eleanor. I'm sure that even with all she aspired to be, she never imagined she'd be such an historical hit! Thanks for the chance to win this book.

And, I'm a Follower.

And, here's my Tweet:

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
Oo this sounds great!

thebookishtype [at] yahoo [dot] com

I retweeted!

And I'm now a follower!
Storeetllr said…
Ooooh I really want to read this. It will be my first Norah Lofts but not my first book about Eleanor. Love that era! And wasn't she something!

Not sure if I'm a follower - if not, I will be soon! Also @storeetllr on Twitter and will RT.
I am a follower and I used to read Nora Lofts when I was a teenager. Great stuff...Please enter me. I have twittered this giveaway here:

Thank you!
misskallie2000 said…
I have read many, many of Nora's books over the yrs but not lately. This sounds like another of her wonderful books. I would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

I follow via google

I follow via twitter(@misskallie2000)

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Latest: ASeaOfBooks Scandalous Women: May Day Giveaway: Norah Loft's Eleanor the Queen Retweeted by you 6 minutes ago

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Would love the chance to read of the only historical figures I have not read a lot about. Thanks for the chance!

stilettostorytime at gmail dot com
Karen said…
I would LOVE to win this book!

plainjane2005 AT Gmail DOT com
Rachel said…
Thanks for the giveaway!
Unknown said…
Thanks for hosting these!
Stephanie Rigsby
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judidarling said…
My father's nickname for me was Queenie, and I must say it was entirely appropriate, so this book is right up my alley. Thanks for your May Day giveaway. Judi Stansky
Liz Zie said…
I just started following, and I tweeted! Email is

Liz Ziegler
Menagerie Soaps said…
I would love to enter this contest!
I just became a blog follower and I tweeted the giveaway.

Thanks so much!

Littletesoro on twitter

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