July Giveaway - The Scarlet Contessa

This month, Scandalous Women is giving away a copy of Jeanne Kalogridis new novel, THE SCARLET CONTESSA.  Daughter of the Duke of Milan and wife of the conniving Count Girolamo Riario, Caterina Sforza was the bravest warrior Renaissance Italy ever knew. She ruled her own lands, fought her own battles, and openly took lovers whenever she pleased.

From the inside cover:
Her remarkable tale is told by her lady-in-waiting, Dea, a woman knowledgeable in reading the “triumph cards,” the predecessor of modern-day Tarot. As Dea tries to unravel the truth about her husband’s murder, Caterina single-handedly holds off invaders who would steal her title and lands. However, Dea’s reading of the cards reveals that Caterina cannot withstand a third and final invader—none other than Cesare Borgia, son of the corrupt Pope Alexander VI, who has an old score to settle with Caterina. Trapped inside the Fortress at Ravaldino as Borgia’s cannons pound the walls, Dea reviews Caterina’s scandalous past and struggles to understand their joint destiny, while Caterina valiantly tries to fight off Borgia’s unconquerable army.

Here are the rules: This giveaway is only available to American and Canadian readers. The giveaway is open from today until 12 p.m. on Tuesday July 13th.  The winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 14th, Bastille Day!
1) Just leave your name and email address in the comments if you wish to enter the giveaway

2) If you are not a follower and become one, you get an extra entry

3) If you tweet about it, you get an extra entry


I'm a follower and I tweeted! http://twitter.com/aLmYbNeNr

My email is amberr610[at]gmail[dot]com
Rachel said…
I would love to read this and I'm a follower! Thank you for the giveaway!

Nicole said…
I'm a follower and I looooooove reading this blog!

Amy said…
Ooohhhh please enter me in this AWESOME giveaway! I love Jeanne's books and I can't wait to get my hands on this one!


tiger_fan_1997 at yahoo dot com
brokenteepee said…
Thank you for another great giveaway.
I follow
I tweeted
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com
Shannon said…
I'm a follower. =)
tiredwkids at live dot com
(apologies if this is a duplicate comment. The last one got stuck...)
Daphne said…
I"m really looking forward to this one (and I'm a follower!). Thanks for the giveaway.

Dani said…
Please enter me in the giveaway. I am a follower
nbjenni said…
Jennifer - nbjenni@gmail.com
Linda said…
Thanks for this giveaway - this is a book I've been wanting. I am already a follower.
Nicole C. said…
I follow and would love to read this book. I love, love, love her books!!!!

Stepha220 said…
I also follow!

Hello, I am a follower and would like to be entered...



Thank you!!!
Unknown said…
I thought Kalogridis' name sounded familiar, and then I realized she wrote The Diaries of the Family Dracul, which I DEVOURED in high school, when I was at the height of my vampire fiction craze. Total flashback!

This book sounds fascinating.
I am a faithful follower and devoted appreciator of this lovely blog! This book looks fascinating (love any title with Scarlet in it) Please enter me! Leah Marie Brown leahmariebrown@yahoo.com

Also, I finally launched my new blog and would love it if you would check it out. Please let me know if you think I need to add anything or fix anything.

Titillating Facts about the Life and Times of Marie Antoinette.

And thanks for another great read!
sandy petals said…
This sounds like a fascinating read.
Oh nice giveaway, I've been lusting after this book for a long time!

passagestothepast at gmail dot com

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