Sarah Bernhardt - Queen Elizabeth (1912)


Anastasia F-B said…
Greetings from a fellow history enthusiast from the other side of the Pond! I only discovered your excellent blog a couple of days a go when I was trawling the net for some supplementary information on Barbara Palmer, Lady Castlemaine, for a post I’ve now added to my own blog. My speciality is the history of Stuart England. Recently I had a two-part article published on an e-book site on the Popish Plot ( I thought I would complement it with a piece on Castlemaine, who holds a particular fascination for me. I’m not touting for custom but you are very welcome to have a look.

Once again my congratulations on a superlative blog, one which I am now following, one to which I will be returning at regular intervals.

Regards, Anastasia Fitzgerald-Beaumont
Anastasia F-B said…
One which I'm trying to follow but I can't seem to get connected! I'll try again tomorrow. :-)

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