Around the Blogosphere

I don't often have a chance to read other blogs but recently I have found a few that are so interesting I thought I would share them with you all.

The first is called Murder by Gaslight, a fascinating blog devoted to crime in the 19th century.  I love true crime particularly when there is a historical element to it Recent posts included news about a new PBS documentary on Lizzie Borden as well as posts on Bill the Butcher (made famous by the Martin Scorcese film Gangs of New York).  I could spend hours going through all the past posts.

Another fascinating blog is The Elizabeth Files. Created by Claire Ridgway as a companion to her popular site The Anne Boleyn Files, the Elizabeth Files is exactly what you would expect to be, chock a block full of interesting articles about Anne's daughter Elizabeth I.

Another interesting Tudor blog is On The Tudor Trail. Natalie has some wonderful posts and interviews with authors like Tracy Borham, author of Elizabeth's Women. One London One is a great blog which features posts on Regency and Victorian England. The blog is named after the address of The Duke of Wellington's London home.  And the final blog that I want to share with you is The Virtual Victorian. I"m convinced that I lived and loved during the Victorian era, so I love anything that has  do with that era, and this blog is full of wonderful posts, most recently on WWI poet Wilfred Owen.


Blondi Blathers said…
Your Elizabeth Files link goes to a page of advertising.Here's a working link:
The difference is the "the" in your link.
Thanks for the headsup about this blog, it looks interesting. I often feel that we already know everything there is to know about Elizabeth, and Anne, if we've read all the books. But still I keep hoping for more ....
Unknown said…
Virtual Victorian link is also not working for me, but I found it! Thanks for the links, they're all wonderful!
I've fixed the links. Thanks for letting me know.

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