Winners of The Bad Queen Giveaway are.....

I am happy to announce that the winners of Carolyn Meyers book The Bad Queen are

Seat 3B


Donna Marie

Ladies, I will be emailing you in the next few days for your snail mail addresses to send the books. I'd also like to thank everyone that entered the Marie Antoinette giveaway this month. If you are a new follower, I hope that you stick around.  There will be more reviews of books and films about Scandalous Women as well as new profiles over the next few weeks as we lead up to the end of the year.  Also, if you are on Facebook, please join the Scandalous Women fan page.


MN said…
Thank you so much!!! I've been a fan of your blog for a long time and I'm so excited to win this book! Thank you for putting such an amazing site together! I always love reading it! Happy Birthday to you and MA!
Unknown said…
I sure hope I'm the Donna Marie who won. I'm looking for your email!! Cautiously doing the happy dance.
MN said…
Did I miss your email? My web address is
Unknown said…
Just received the book and now I'm praying for a snow day to read it. Thank you so much.

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