Gypsy Rose Lee Centennial

Tonight the NYPL will be celeberating the 100th birthday of Gypsy Rose Lee and yours truly will be there. GYPSY ROSE LEE: An American Icon Laid Bare A Centennial Celebration with Karen Abbott, Jo "Boobs" Weldon, Miss Tickle and others Saturday, Januray 8, 2011 at 7:00 PM in the Celeste Bartos Forum

"On January 8, 2011, the world's most famous burlesque performer turns 100 years old. Join LIVE from the NYPL for a centennial celebration of the birth of Gypsy Rose Lee: novelist, playwright, New Yorker essayist, fashion icon, actress, activist, member of New York’s literati, world-famous “ecdysiast" and subject of one of the best-loved musicals in American history. Be amused and appalled by dramatic readings from never-before-published letters in Gypsy’s archives, housed in the New York Public Library.

Special guests include Jo "Boobs" Weldon (author of The Burlesque Handbook and Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque) who will perform a burlesque tribute to Gypsy, Miss Tickle (three-time "Burlesque Hall of Fame" Trophy Winner in 2010) who will honor the birthday in true burlesque style—by popping out of a cake, burlesque legend Bambi Jones, The Rhinestone Follies, burlesque musician and historian Albert Garzon, “King of Boylesque” Tigger! (voted the “performer most likely to be shut down by the law” by the New York Burlesque Festival), “Burlesque Mayor of NYC” Jonny Porkpie and others!

To top it off, a conversation with Paul Holdengraber, the director of LIVE from the NYPL and Karen Abbott, author of AMERICAN ROSE, A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy Rose Lee. Abbott will strip Gypsy to the bone on a rollicking trip through time, from Gypsy's early years on the vaudeville circuit with Harry Houdini and Fanny Brice... to her time in New York City during the Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression among some of the Big Apple's most colorful characters.
KAREN ABBOTT is the New York Times bestselling author of Sin in the Second
City and AMERICAN ROSE, A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy
Rose Lee. A native of Philadelphia, she now lives in New York City with her

JO "BOOBS" WELDON is the Headmistress and Founder of the New York School of
Burlesque. She has worked with performers from Leonard Cohen to Spinal Tap
and is the author of The Pocket Book of Burlesque: A Backstage Guide.

PAUL HOLDENGRÄBER is the Director of LIVE from the NYPL.

Sounds like fun, no?


Anonymous said…
That sounds really fun! Have a good time - I love those girls! xo
Oh my gosh, that sounds like a lot of fun! I am a huge fan of burlesque, and oddly enough Miss Weldon's book which I ordered a few week ago, came in the mail yesterday, woo!
It was an awesome time. The entertainment was sublime and hearing Karen talk about the book after reading it was excellent. At the end, they passed out cupcakes although surely champagne would have been better!
dave hambidge said…
What size were the cup cakes, DD?
LOL! No, Dave they were much smaller than that.
dave hambidge said…
Probably better for the waistline anyway!

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