May 19, 1536 - The Execution of Anne Boleyn

Today marks the anniversary of the Execution of Anne Boleyn, a sad day of mourning and loss for those of us who love Anne.

It's no secret that Anne Boleyn is my favorite of Henry VIII's wives. I just find her endlessly fascinating and enigmatic.  Last year, I was lucky enough to go on the first ever Anne Boleyn experience, where we stayed at Hever Castle for a week. One of the highlights, out of many, on that journey was the day that we traveled to London on the anniversary to lay flowers in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula.  We were lucky enough to actually go up to the altar where Anne and Katherine Howard are allegedly buried as well as down into the crypt where George Boleyn and the others are buried within the walls. It was an eerie and unnerving experience, knowing that we were walking on the ground that Anne trod on her final day on earth.

Below are a few links to blogs celebrating Anne Boleyn:

The Tudor Tutor: Her Grace Under Pressure
The Anne Boleyn Files
On the Tudor Trail
Risky Regencies: A lovely post by Amanda McCabe
Tudor some lovely pictures of St. Peter ad Vincula


BurtonReview said…
How fortunate for you to be able to go on that trip! I will always be intrigued by Anne.
CharmedLassie said…
That trip does sound amazing. And I agree with Marie - Anne will always have this aura of mystery around her for me.
Undine said…
Of all Henry's wives, my personal favorite has always been Anne of Cleves. Of all the lot, she was the only one to have prospered from marrying him, which was no small achievement.
Undine, I've changed my mind about Anne of Cleves recently. I agree that out of all of them, she seems to have come out of the marriage, not only alive, but with her dignity intact, and was a great friend to Princess Elizabeth. I had no idea until I spent time at Hever, that she had been given the castle.
dave hambidge said…
I'm back, and you were in England and didn't let on
Actually Dave this was last year that I went on the Anne Boleyn experience. I probably won't be in England this year until the fall, probably September or October.

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