Winner of The September Queen and more

The Winner of Gillian Bagwell's THE SEPTEMBER QUEEN is.......


Congratulations! I will be emailing you to get your address.  And thanks to everyone who entered the giveway.

Now on to more news.  I'm contemplating adding a monthly Scandalous Women podcast to the blog.  The podcast would allow me to go into a little bit more depth about some of the Scandalous Women in history that I've been bringing you the past 4 years. 

I've tentatively going to attempt to launch the podcast in December.  If the first one is successful and there's interest, the goal is to have one every month.  I'm lining up a great group of guests to join me, to discuss everything from Eleanor of Aquitaine to the Grande Horizontales of Paris during the Belle Epoque.  I've added a poll to the sidebar, to see whether or not my readers would be interested in a podcast.

Stay tuned to the blog for details of the first podcast, date, time etc. and who my first guest will be.  I'm really excited about moving Scandalous Women into a different phase.  I will still continue to post articles about interesting women as well as reviews of books and films that I think you will all be interested in.


Svea Love said…
Congrats! You are going to really enjoy this one.
teabird said…
I'm so excited! Thank you!

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