What Jane Austen Ate: Supersizers Go Regency

I am hopelessly addicted to the British show Supersizers Go.  One of my favorite episodes is Supesizers Go Regency.  If you've wondered what Jane Austen, Emma Hamilton or Mary Wollstonecraft actually ate, you have to watch this episode. I particularly liked Sue's reaction when she tastes the jugged hare! I think you can learn a lot about periods of history by examining what they actually ate. After watching these shows, I'm kind of happy that we live in the era we do!  Maggots in cheese? Ewww!

Seriously they need to do an American version of this show. I would love to see Giles and Sue tuck into one of the enormous meals that Diamond Jim Brady and Lillian Russell used to eat at Delmonico's or Rector's. Or imagine recreating the first meal that the Pilgrims ate with the Indians or a Ante-bellum Southern barbeque. The origins of Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola, Kellogg's corn flakes, Dr. Graham's crackers, all 19th century inventions that we still drink today.  What Dolley Madison served at the White House or the Wedding breakfast of Grover Cleveland and Frances Folsom.  The possibilities are endless.

What do you think? Would you watch an American version of Supersizers Go?


America needs to do versions of so many amazing British shows. I weep whenever I stumble across a new documentary to air on the BBC.
sawcat said…
I adore Supersizers. Its so hilarious and informative (I had no idea how much aspic was eaten in the past....).

I don't know if I'd stick with an American version. Giles and Sue have such a great chemistry and that adds so much to the show. Now if they'd do ones for America, I'd be all over it. But except for the home improvement shoes and Antiques Roadshow, the American networks attempts at redoing the British shows have been a bit lackluster.
I would love it if Giles and Sue came over and did an American version of Supersizers Go. On the other hand, if you had someone like Anthony Bourdain, Alton Brown or Ted Allen hosting with an appropriate female host (like say me!), I think it might actually be good.

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