The Medium and The Magician

Sounds intriguing doesn't it? Well the irony is that movie
is based somewhat on fact. In 1924, Houdini set out to expose a medium named
Mina Crandon who used the name 'Margery.' Margery wasn't Scottish; she was a
Canadian who lived in Boston with her physician husband. And the prize money
was $2,500 put up by Scientific American to anyone who could prove that they
had psychic powers. The judges were Walter Franklin Pierce, an American
psychical researcher, Hereward Carrington, an occult writer, Daniel Comstock
who introduced Technicolor to film, and William McDougall, a professor of
psychology at Harvard University.
By 1924, Houdini was
world famous as a magician, he'd even dabbled in the new medium of film, but
his newest passion was debunking mediums. It wasn't that Houdini wasn't open to
the idea of being able to contact the spirit world. There had been moments in his life that he
couldn't explain. Once in Berlin, Houdini was put in a box, tied up and
handcuffed so tightly that he wasn't sure that he was going to be able to get
out. His wife Bess had prayed to Houdini's late father Rabbi Mayer Samuel for
help. Before he died, he had told Houdini that if he ever needed him, that he
would be there. Within seconds after Bess's prayer, Houdini was able to escape
the handcuffs. On another occasion, Houdini had seen a fleeting vision of his mother.
The next day he learned that she had passed away.
Houdini had consulted
spiritualists after his mother Cecilia's death in 1913. He was so distraught
that he hadn't been there at the end, but he soon realized that these so-called
'spiritualists' were all con-artists. That they used illusion the same way he
did on stage. Houdini was disgusted by how they were taking advantage of the
grief of so many people, and he determined to expose them. He began to devote a
large part of his act to debunking mediums across the country, by demonstrating
no stage how they managed to fool their clients. He would go in disguise to
séances, and then dramatically pull off his beard, shouting "I am Houdini
and you are a fraud," as he exposed them.Spiritualism had been on the rise again both in America and in Europe in the aftermath of World War I. Noted author and the creator of Sherlock Holmes; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a firm believer. It seems hard to understand how Conan Doyle, the man who created one of the most rational men alive could become so convinced that spirits exist. Conan Doyle had been raised Catholic, and had attended schools run by Jesuits, but as an adult he had become a confirmed agnostic. He came to spiritualism gradually over the years. After the death of his son Kingsley in the First World War, he threw his lot in with spiritualism wholeheartedly. However, like a lot of converts, he had a one track mind when it came to spiritualism; he was unable to see anyone else's point of view. “I consider the psychic question to be infinitely the most important thing in the world,” he declared. “All modern inventions and discoveries will sink into insignificance besides those psychic facts which will force themselves within a few years upon the universal human mind.”
Conan Doyle and Houdini became friends when Houdini came to
England to perform. While he was there, he hoped to have Conan Doyle introduce
him to various mediums who might have been reluctant to meet him given his
position on spiritualism. As the two men got to know each other over the next
few years, Conan Doyle became convinced that Houdini's gifts were psychic in
nature, and not a carefully planned and rehearsed act, despite Houdini's
protestations to the contrary. He wrote Houdini telling him that he didn't need
to search for creditable medium, when he already was one. Houdini on his part
tried to gently get Doyle to see that most mediums were actually fake by
demonstrating how they achieved their results but Doyle refused to believe it.
Houdini even sent him a copy of his book Miracle Mongers and their Methods,
where he exposed the secrets of sword swallowers, snake charmers, and other
side show entertainers.
Houdini and Conan Doyle's friendship, unfortunately couldn't
survive their differing opinions about spiritualism, despite their mutual
respect for each other. On a trip to the
US, Conan Doyle's wife, Jean had conducted a séance for Houdini and her husband
(Bess was not invited) in which Houdini's mother's spirit was supposed to have
come through, using automatic writing. Houdini tried to be tactful in his
response to séance because he still needed Doyle's help and also out of respect
but privately he admitted that the spirit couldn't possibly have been his
mother. The first reason being the writing was in English, which was a language
that his mother could neither speak nor read, she had made the sign of the
cross on the pad, and Houdini's family was Jewish, and finally the day of the
séance was his mother's birthday which she never mentioned.
When Houdini published an article with the statement,
"I am willing to be convinced, my mind is open, but the proof must be such
as to leave no vestige of doubt that what is claimed to be done is accomplished
through or by supernatural power." Conan Doyle was pissed. He felt that
the article was an insult to his wife. Doyle also knew that getting Houdini on
spiritualism's side would have been a great coup for the movement. Houdini, on
the other hand, was being pressured by his friends who were anti-spiritualists
to come out once and for all against the movement. It was only a matter of time before Mina
Crandon came across his radar.
At first glance, Mina Crandon seemed an unlikely
medium. She was an exceedingly
attractive woman who came across more like a light-hearted flapper than most
mediums who seemed solid and serious.
Mina was the daughter of a Canadian farmer, who had moved to Boston as a
teenager to play in various dance bands. When that didn't work out, Mina went
through a serious of odd jobs including secretary, actress and an ambulance
driver. After divorcing her first husband, by whom she had a son; Mina married
Dr. Le Roi Goddard Crandon, twice married, and a former instructor of surgery
at Harvard Medical School in 1918. Mina had met Crandon when she was admitted
to the hospital, probably for an appendectomy. Crandon was famous for his
technique of removing the appendix by going in through the belly button so that
the scarring was minimal. At the time Mina was 30 and Dr. Crandon was in his early
forties. Crandon adopted her son and changed his name to John Crandon.
Mina had never had a psychic experience in her life, and had
no interest in spiritualism until her husband became interested. One evening in
1923, Dr. Crandon invited a few friends over to his house for what they called
a ‘home circle’ meeting. The group
gathered around a small table, which soon began tilting in response to their
questions. Dr. Crandon suggested that
they leave one at a time to see who might be responsible for the paranormal
activity. Surprise, surprise, it turned
out to be Mina! Ironically just a few days before, a psychic had told Mina that
she possessed supernatural abilities and that she sensed that a laughing man
was trying to contact her from beyond the grave. The young man turned out to be Mina’s late
brother Walter, who died in a railroad accident in 1911. Walter would turn out be Mina’s spirit guide,
a quick-witted fellow who loved to use foul language. Mina was so versatile that Walter would
continue talking even when she appeared to be snoring or holding water in her
mouth.For a year, Mina only displayed her talents to sympathetic audiences who were all too ready to believe evidence that their loved ones were contacting them. During the séances, mysterious things would happen, bumps and raps rang out, and strange flashes of light pierced the darkness, once a live pigeon appeared in the room, seemingly out of nowhere. Convinced of her talents, Dr. Crandon took Mina abroad where she made the acquaintance of Arthur Conan-Doyle who was convinced that Mina was the real enchilada. He declared that she was “a very powerful medium” and that her gifts were “beyond all question.”
Mina’s first real test came in late 1923 in front of a group
of Harvard professors and students. When
it was over, one of the participants William McDougall tried to get Mina to
admit that she was a fraud. The
Scientific American contest was going to be her crowning achievement as a
medium. All she had to do was win the
$2,500. The Crandon’s’ didn’t need the money, what they wanted was the seal of
approval winning the contest would confer. It seemed like a slam dunk. J. Malcolm Bird, an associate editor at
Scientific American who had come up with the idea, also believed that Mina was
the real deal, and had written articles extolling her ‘gifts.’ It was Bird who
gave her the stage name ‘Margery’ to protect her privacy.
By the time Houdini got involved, the judges were almost
ready to award the prize to Mina.
Houdini offered to pay $1,000 of his own money if he failed to expose
Mina as a fraud. Traveling to Boston, he reviewed the findings of the judges
and came to the conclusion that the whole matter had been mishandled. Not only
had the committee availed themselves of the Crandon’s hospitality but one of
the investigators had borrowed money from Dr. Crandon.
On the night of July 23, Houdini arrived at the Lime Street
for another séance. Mina greeted her guests in a flimsy dressing gown, bedroom
slippers, and silk stockings which left little to the imagination. The idea was to rule out the possibility that
she was concealing anything on her. It
also had the desired effect of sending the judges pulses racing. At 36, Mina was still a good-looking woman
with a girlish figure, and sparkling blue eyes. By the time Houdini left the house, he was
impressed by Mina although not her supernatural powers. At the hotel that night, Houdini detailed just
exactly how Mina had produced the supernatural effects that had them so
mesmerized. He told them Mina had used
her foot underneath the table to make the bell ring during the séance. He also demonstrated how she had managed to
make a megaphone crash to the floor.
Another séance was arranged and this time Houdini came
prepared. He’d designed a special cabinet with openings for the medium’s head
and arms. Once inside, Mina’s movements would be restricted. Reluctantly Mina agreed to conduct the séance
from within the cabinet. The séance was
not a success, ‘Walter’ tipped off Dr. Crandon that an erase had been wedged
into the bell box to prevent it from ringing.
The next séance, a collapsible ruler was found inside the cabinet. Mina’s defenders claimed that Houdini had planted
both items to discredit Mina. Houdini,
on the other hand, believed the items had been planted to impugn his testimony.Houdini outraged Mina and her supporters by publishing a pamphlet called Houdini Exposes the Tricks Used by the Boston Medium Margery. He was adamant that Mina was a fake while her supporters were just as adamant that she was genuine. Scientific American decided to cut its losses and declined to award the prize to Mina after all. No doubt, in large part, to Houdini. From the grave, Walter weighed in with a prediction that Houdini would be dead within a year. He was off by a year, Houdini died on October 31, 1926, of complications following a blow to the stomach. In an interview with the press, Mina praised Houdini’s virile personality and great determination.
Mina continued to give séances. By this time, Mina had moved on from just
channeling Walter, she was now able to produce physical evidence such as
ectoplasm from various body parts.
Sometimes the ectoplasm even formed into hands. It was the ectoplasm that was responsible for
the ringing of the bell and other phenomena.
When another investigator named Eric Dingwall asked to examine the
ectoplasm, Dr. Crandon claimed that it could only be seen with a special red
lamp. When Dingwall touched the
ectoplasm, he described it as feeling like ‘a piece of cold raw beef or a
possibly a piece of soft wet rubber.’ Dingwall became suspicious as did other
investigators but Mina was unconcerned.
By 1928, ‘Walter’ was now able to leave behind a fingerprint. This time, Mina had gone too far. When the fingerprint was examined, it turned
out to match the fingerprints of Mina’s dentist! Even Mina’s most staunch defenders
began to back away.
In 1939, Dr. Crandon died, and Mina began to turn to alcohol
to ease her depression, although she continued to hold séances in her house on
Lime Street. Mina Crandon died in 1941 at the relatively young age of 54. In
the end, she was worn down by her own success, having to produce more and more ‘miracles’
to satisfy her supporters. Was Mina a
real medium or an out and out fake? Many researchers believe that were some
elements of the paranormal present in Crandon’s séances, although no one could tell what
was genuine and what was not.
Houdini - Kenneth Silverman The Secret Life of Houdini - William Kalush and Larry Sloman
Final Séance - Massimo Polidoro