Katherine Hepburn Exhibit: Dressed for Stage and Screen

Billy Rose Theatre Collection, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts Most of the time living in New York is delightful, and there are few other cities on this planet (apart from London) that I could see myself living. However, holiday weekends in New York can be a pain, particularly this past weekend with all the sales going on. To escape the crowds, I headed up to the Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center to see the Katherine Hepburn exhibt entitled 'Dressed for State and Screen .' While I've been a fan of Katherine Hepburn's since I was a kid, I've never thought of her as a style icon but walking through the exhibit, I had to change my mind. The exhibit was sponsored by the Kent State University Museum, the recipiant of Hepburn's costumes and other theatrical paraphenalia after her death. The exhibit wasn't huge but the items they had on display were choice, including the evening gown that she wore in ADAM'S RIB, and the w...