Title: The Horror of Love: Nancy Mitford and Gaston Palewski in Paris and London Author: Lisa Hilton Publisher: Pegasus Publication date: December 12, 2012 Pages : 336 How acquired: Net Galley Overview: "Oh, the horror of love!" Nancy Mitford once exclaimed to her sister Diana Mosley. Elegant and intelligent, Nancy was a renowned wit and a popular author. Yet this bright, waspish woman, capable of unerring emotional analysis in her work gave her heart to a well-known philanderer who went on to marry another woman. Was Nancy that unremarkable thing—a deluded lover—or was she a remarkable woman engaged in a sophisticated love affair? Gaston Palewski was the Free French commander and one of the most influential politicians in post-war Europe. Their life together was spent amongst the most exciting, powerful, and controversial figures in the center of reawaken...