Women of the White Queen: Marguerite of Anjou
From the
beginning Marguerite of Anjou was a controversial queen. Few queens of England
have so divided opinion; few have suffered more from the propaganda spread by
their enemies. Historians over the years
have portrayed her as vengeful and ambitious.
In Shakespeare’s trilogy, she is the she-wolf of France, vilifying her
as an adulteress and warmonger. In
Richard III, she is depicted as a one-woman Greek chorus. Marguerite’s marriage was supposed to bring
peace with France, but instead England dissolved into civil war during her
husband’s reign, due to his mental illness and general unfitness to rule. She acted with the best of all possible
motives, to support first her husband, and then her son. Marguerite has borne
the brunt of the responsibility for what went wrong during Henry’s reign. Like
Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Isabella, she is seen as an unnatural woman
for meddling in affairs of state.
at the time that the baby was born, Henry VI had gone into a catatonic
state. Again, no one knows precisely
what was wrong with the King. Some
historians speculate that he might have had a stroke, others that he inherited
the mental illness of his grandfather Charles VI. The birth of Marguerite's son was the catalyst
for her to become more involved with affairs of the realm. She had not only her husband’s interests to
protect but those of her son as well.
The first thing she did was try to become regent during her husband’s
illness, but the idea was rejected. Not
even Catherine of Valois had been included in matters of state as it pertained
to ruling England during her son’s minority. The English expected their Queens
to be more passive. They still had memories of another French princess,
Isabella, wife of Edward II, who had deposed her husband and ruled with her
lover. Instead the Duke of York was
chosen as Protector of the Realm. He immediately had the Duke of Somerset set
to the Tower for criminal mismanagement of affairs in France.
With both her only child and her husband dead, Marguerite’s spirit was broken. Edward decided to be lenient with his old enemy. After a brief spell in the tower, Marguerite was released to the custody of her friend, the Duchess of Suffolk. Marguerite was finally ransomed to her cousin Louis IX of France in 1475, with the proviso that she give up all rights to her lands in France. She lived in penury until her death at the age of 52. She was buried next to her parents in Angers Cathedral.
David Baldwin, Philippa Gregory & Michael Jones – The Women of the Cousins' War: The Duchess, the Queen, and the King's Mother, Touchstone, 2011
Elizabeth Norton - She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of Medieval England, the History Press, 2010
Marguerite was
born on March 23, 1430, the daughter of Rene of Anjou and Isabella, Duchess of
Lorraine. Her father was called ‘the man of many crowns but no kingdoms,’
because he claimed the thrones of Naples, Sicily, Hungary and Jerusalem but he
never ruled over said kingdoms despite his best efforts. For all of his fancy titles, he had authority
over only Anjou and Lorraine. We know very little of what her childhood was
like apart from the fact that she was raised by strong women. Her mother, Isabella, ruled as regent while
Rene was abroad attempting to regain his lands in Naples. Later, Isabella led an army to rescue her husband
from the Duke of Burgundy who held him captive for several years. Her
grandmother Yolande of Aragon was another formidable woman. She practically raised the French king Charles
VII, who became her son-in-law, and she financed Joan of Arc’s army in 1429.
By the time
Marguerite was born, the tide was turning in France. Joan of Arc inspired and energized the French
to not only to fight to regain the territories it had lost to England during
the reign of Henry V but also to anoint the rightful king, Charles VII. While Henry VI had been crowned King of
England and France, he was not the dynamic, charismatic warrior his father had
been. At the beginning of 1444, England
sought a truce with France to be cemented by a French bride for the young King
of England. Charles VII offered not one of his daughters
but the hand of his niece Marguerite as a bride. King Henry was not only willing to take his
bride with no dowry but offered up Maine and Anjou to France, a move that
proved to be unpopular with the English who had long occupied the territories.
At the age of
14, Marguerite was married to Henry by proxy but it took another year before
she journeyed to England to meet her husband. She set out for England, accompanied part of the
way by her father, her uncle Charles VII and an escort of 1500 people. Marguerite
finally arrived in England on April 9, 1445, but it was an inauspicious
arrival. Her ship had been buffeted by
storms so severe that it lost both masts. The poor thing had suffered from such
severe seasickness on the crossing that the Earl of Suffolk to carry her ashore
to a small cottage where she fainted. From there she was taken to a nearby
convent to recover. Her first
impressions of England were sickrooms. But before she could meet her husband,
she needed to get rid of her shabby clothes.
The Earl of
Suffolk sent for a London dressmaker to make her a whole new fashionable
wardrobe. There is a charming story that when King Henry finally arrived, he disguised
himself as a squire, and delivered a letter to his new bride. This gave him the opportunity to observe her
as she read. Having never seen him
before, Marguerite had no idea that the King had played Western Union. When Marguerite found out, she was no doubt
embarrassed at having kept the king waiting on his knees. They were married again a week later at Titchfield
Abbey. Marguerite at this time was
described as beautiful, passionate, proud and strong-willed.
groom was 23 years old at the time of their marriage. Henry had been King since
the age of 9 months but he lacked the temperament of a King. He was monkish and scholarly as well as
easily swayed. He was more concerned with
his pet projects, the founding of King’s College at Cambridge and Eton College
(Marguerite herself founded Queen’s College at Cambridge). By all accounts,
Margaret and her husband were devoted to each other and she became very
protective of him. He was a gentle and
compassionate man, eager to please, and to put his new bride at ease. Her kinsman, the Duke of Orleans wrote that
she seemed as if “formed by Heaven to supply her royal husband the qualities
which he required in order to become a great King.” She had little time to
adjust to her new position before the question of England ceding Anjou and
Maine reared its ugly head. The queen was blamed although Henry had been the
one to agree to the decision before the marriage. Yes, Marguerite did badger
Henry about the situation but she was under pressure from her family. She wasn’t the first nor would she be the
last Queen to be torn between her loyalties to her new country and her old. Her
reputation and popularity soon began to suffer.
several Queens of England had been French, many of the English nobility were
now Francophobes after the long years of war with France. Marguerite
was soon accused of flirting and spending too much time with William de la
Pole, later Duke of Suffolk who was almost thirty years older than she
was. Margaret had become friends with de
la Pole and his wife when they escorted her to England. When the rumors were
brought to her attention, she dismissed them.
Marguerite was loyal to her friends almost to a fault. When the Duke was
killed in 1450, Marguerite refused to eat for three days which added fuel to
the rumors about them. Both the King and
Marguerite put their faith in not just the Duke of Suffolk but also Edmund
Beaufort, the Duke of Somerset. Beaufort
and the King were both descended from John of Gaunt, although Beaufort was
descended from Gaunt and his mistress, later wife, Katherine Swynford. Her preference for the Beaufort/Suffolk faction
also made her unpopular. Unlike in France where it was common for the King to
favor one faction over another, royals in Britain were supposed to be above
politics. The Duke of Somerset was sent to France as England’s military
commander where he proved ineffectual.
Soon all of the English territories in France apart from Calais were
lost. Again Marguerite was blamed, not
only for her support of Somerset but also the news that her father had been
part of the French army that conquered Rouen.
was also seen to have failed in her most important duty, bearing an heir to
throne. In Marguerite’s case, the fault
didn’t lie solely with her. She was
saddled with a husband who was not only pious but prudish as well. It was 8 long years before Marguerite had her
first and only child, a boy named Edward since he was born on the feast day of
St. Edward the Confessor. Rumors soon flew
that Henry was not the father of her child, but Edmund Beaufort, the Duke of
Somerset. Personally, I don’t believe
that Marguerite would have risked having a physical affair until she had given
birth to an heir to the throne. No one
will ever know the truth, but there could have been a number of factors for why
it took so long for Marguerite to conceive, the biggest reason being that her
husband was not exactly an earthy dude.
Henry didn’t
snap out of his catatonic state until his son Edward was almost two years
old. When Henry returned to his senses
at the end of 1454, he relieved York of the Protectorate and released the Duke
of Somerset from the Tower. A Great
Council was called at Leicester from which the Yorkists were excluded. York
began raising troops, and in May of 1455 he attacked Henry on his way to
Leicester at St. Albans. It was the
first battle in what we now call the War of the Roses. The Duke of Somerset was skilled and the King
was now York’s prisoner. Marguerite had
had no quarrel with York until he took up arms against her husband. Now he was her enemy. She began to suspect that the Duke of York had
designs on becoming King, and she made it her mission to protect the throne,
not only for her husband but also for her son. However, the more that Henry was seen to be
marginalized by her, the weaker his position became.
nephew, the Earl of Warwick, accused Marguerite of trying to poison him.
Warwick fled to Calais where he began raising troops whilst his father, the
Earl of Salisbury, began raising an army in the North and York in Wales. Alarmed,
Marguerite began to raise troops in her son’s name. By 1459, Marguerite was acknowledged as the leader
of the House of Lancaster. By October, she had a sizeable army, outnumbering
York’s. York fled to Ireland and Warwick
and Salisbury to Calais. Marguerite was jubilant, confident that her cause
would succeed. However in 1460, York and Salisbury defeated the Lancastrians
and Northampton. Hearing of their
defeat, Marguerite and her son fled to Harlech Castle. In October 1460, York
formally claimed the crown, stating that he had more of a right then Henry. He
was descended from Edward III’s fourth son through his father but through his
mother, Anne Mortimer, he was descended from the second son as well.
however was not too keen on replacing Henry with York so a compromise was
made. Henry could still rule but York
and then his sons would succeed after his death effectively disinheriting
Marguerite’s son. Marguerite was fit to be tied at this news. She immediately began raising another
army. In December, the two armies met at
the battle of Wakefield. York was
defeated, killed on the field along with his son Edmund. Marguerite had York and Salisbury’s heads set
on poles on over the gates of York as a message. York’s was wearing a paper
crown. The Lancastrians won the 2nd battle of St. Albans. However the war hadn’t been won. York’s son, Edward, Earl of March now took up
the mantle.
now marched to London. Along the way,
her army who had yet to be paid pillaged the villages along the way. Marguerite
did nothing to stop them which damaged her cause in the South. News spread of a blood-thirsty army raping
and pillaging its way towards London. A
delegation led by the Dowager Duchess of Bedford, the Duchess of Buckingham,
and Lady Scales asked her to spare the city. Marguerite said yes, taking her
army back up north. It was a decision
that she would live to regret. A few days later, Edward, the new Duke of York
after his father’s death, marched into London where he was proclaimed King. There
was still one more battle to be fought, this time at Towton on March 29, 1461 where
Marguerite was decisively defeated.
Marguerite fled
with her son first to Wales and then to Scotland where she convinced the regent
Mary of Guelders to back to her cause.
It meant giving up Berwick to the Scots but there was no price too small
to pay to regain the throne. Bringing a foreign
army into England wasn’t going to win her any fans, but Margaret was determined
to restore her husband, and her son’s rights to the throne. She was able to mount small scale raids but
nothing substantial. By 1465, Marguerite
was living in poverty at the castle of Keur in Alsace. She had endured being robbed not once but
twice during the war, now she was forced to go hat in hand begging for help
from the crowns of Europe. In exchange
for France’s help, Marguerite promised Louis (nicknamed the Spider King and one
of the inspirations for Machiavelli’s The Prince), Calais, if he came to her
aid. But it was the rift between the Earl of Warwick, and King Edward IV that
turned the Wheel of Fortune briefly back in Marguerite’s favor. The
Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence fled to France after being denied
access to Calais. King Louis XI brokered reconciliation between the Earl and
Marguerite. It was a bitter pill to
swallow for Marguerite, this man who had been her enemy, was now her ally, her
only if she wanted to regain the throne for her son. Still very much a Queen
even in exile, Marguerite made Warwick kneel for fifteen minutes in front of
her, before she accepted his help. As
part of the reconciliation, Marguerite’s son, Edward, the Princes of Wales
married Warwick’s daughter Anne. Warwick was initially successful restoring
Henry to the throne.
Edward was
forced to flee to the Netherlands, where he hoped for help from his
brother-in-law, the Duke of Burgundy.
Things might have turned out differently if the King of France hadn’t
pressured the Earl of Warwick to wage war against France’s enemy the Duke of
Burgundy, in exchange for Marguerite of Anjou and her forces being allowed to
journey to England. In retaliation,
Burgundy decided to supply his brother-in-law Edward IV with ships, men, and money. Once Edward arrived in England, Warwick
delayed in confronting Edward and his army.
This gave Edward time to woo his brother, George, back over to his side.
Marguerite, meanwhile, had been delayed by storms from leaving France. By the time Marguerite landed in England,
Warwick was dead, killed at the battle of Barnet. Her son, Edward, the Prince of Wales was killed
at the battle of Tewkesbury on May 4 1471, ending the Lancastrian hopes.
With both her only child and her husband dead, Marguerite’s spirit was broken. Edward decided to be lenient with his old enemy. After a brief spell in the tower, Marguerite was released to the custody of her friend, the Duchess of Suffolk. Marguerite was finally ransomed to her cousin Louis IX of France in 1475, with the proviso that she give up all rights to her lands in France. She lived in penury until her death at the age of 52. She was buried next to her parents in Angers Cathedral.
Helen Castor
– She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England before Elizabeth, Faber & Faber
Gristwood – Blood Sisters: The Women
behind the Wars of the Roses, Basic Books, 2013David Baldwin, Philippa Gregory & Michael Jones – The Women of the Cousins' War: The Duchess, the Queen, and the King's Mother, Touchstone, 2011
Elizabeth Norton - She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of Medieval England, the History Press, 2010
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