New Review: Rodin's Lover by Heather Webb

Title: Rodin’s Lover Author: Heather Webb (Becoming Josephine) Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group Publication date: 1/27/2015 Pages: 320 How Acquired: Through Publisher What it’s about: As a woman, aspiring sculptor Camille Claudel has plenty of critics, especially her ultra-traditional mother. But when Auguste Rodin makes Camille his apprentice—and his muse—their passion inspires groundbreaking works. Yet, Camille’s success is overshadowed by her lover’s rising star, and her obsessions cross the line into madness. My thoughts: I initially had trepidations about reading this book. I did a great deal of research on Camille Claudel for the chapter that I wrote in Scandalous Women , and I feel a bit proprietary about her. She was one of several women that I was just obsessed with. I related to her struggle to be an independent artist, to forge a separate artistic identity from the man that she loved passionately. Her mental...