Scandalous Women Celebrates 10th anniversary

I know that I have neglected this blog shamefully of late due to my involvement in the Historical Novel Society conference and just life in general. So I completely missed that last month, Scandalous Women was 10 years old! Yes, in 2007 I sat down in front of the computer and typed my first blog post. I had no idea that the blog would eventually evolve into a book! And I have all my readers to thank for coming back month after month to read the blog and to leave comments. So in honor of the 10th anniversary, I have teamed up with my good friend Leanna Renee Hieber of Torch and Arrow to create the Scandalous Women collection! (Psst! You can also buy copies of her fabulous Victorian Gothic fantasies on the site as well!) I have chosen the following 5 women, all of whom I have written about here on the blog or in Scandalous Women the book, as just a few featured faces for this anniversary collection: (Pictured upper left): VICTORIA WOODHULL (1838...